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  • Lisa Coleman | Choose Joy Now Network

Fill Your Cup First! Coronavirus Self-Care Resource Guide

How are you doing? The coronavirus pandemic is understandably scary for many of us. During this time, please take time to take care of yourself. We need you. Your friends and family need you. Please stay home until we are all given the "all clear". I have personally had to take a time out to care for myself. For the past few weeks, I've had to focus on healing from a medical condition (not the coronavirus, I'll share more in another post). It was not easy to focus on my healing. I felt guilty for not connecting with more people and for not doing ‘more’ with all this ‘free’ time. I had to constantly remind myself that I would get through it, if I allowed it to run it’s course and allowed myself the grace and space to heal. I urge you to do the same. Make sure you are healthy before attempting to help others. Now I'm back and healthy and want to do my part to help so I've put together a list of resources you may find helpful during this time.

Important Resources to keep near your phone

  • For reliable up to date information on all things related to Covid-19

  • 24/7 Crisis text hotline

  • Mental health or substance abuse services contact SAMHSA

Alternatives to help manage stress and anxiety

  • Continue or start a meditation practice. Many people find it easier to begin with guided meditation. Try The Honest Guys meditations. They have several guided meditations like Guided Meditation: Reduce Panic, Anxiety & Worry as well as meditations to help you fall asleep.

  • Stay physically active. It’s ok to go outdoors, so if possible, take a walk to get fresh air every day. Also consider attending virtual workouts like fitness and nutrition coach Pat Trowers-Johnson's FHIIT Camp (via Studio G) or FWR Virtual Full body workout. The virtual workouts are the next best thing to being there in person. It gives you more motivation than working out alone because you can interact with the instructor live and see the other class participants. However, some days, you might just want to exercise solo. For these times, consider working out to Pamela Reif videos. You can follow her videos without sound because she has a timer and the name of each workout being done. I like to play one of her videos on my iPad with the sound down while watching a favorite recorded show.

  • Eat healthy meals. You may be tempted to eat junk food during the quarantine. Do your best to eat nourishing foods most of the time so you can stay healthy. If you are looking for easy healthy meal ideas, look at the various Tasty videos. They have many types of meals including vegan meals. Also view my easy one pot meal Facebook video for another idea.

  • Do what you can to help others. Science has shown our stress levels can be reduced when we help others. For those interested read this Psychology Today article for more information.

Here are some ways you can help while you stay at home:

  • Donate to a food bank. With so many businesses temporarily closed, many people are out of work and are having difficulty feeding their family. If you have the means, donate to a food bank like Feeding America.

  • Continue to patronize small businesses. Small businesses are taking a huge hit due to the quarantine. If you can, show a small business your support by continuing to buy their products or services if available or contribute to their GoFundMe page. Below are some businesses I want to highlight:

  • Tea's Me Cafe Indy- The Choose Joy Now Network has partnered with Tea's Me for a little over 2 years to host a monthly book club. I have personally heard many people say in addition to the tea, they love the atmosphere and people the cafe attracts. Donate to their GoFundMe campaign or buy bulk tea for shipment.

  • Fit with Renee-Renee Pillow has been a major player in women's fitness for 15 years. She has been instrumental in not only changing the physique of many women she has been instrumental in changing their lives. Attend a virtual class or buy a class for someone else.

  • Studio G. Gena B has changed the game in Indianapolis when it comes to group fitness classes. You will not get bored and you will burn calories. If you are looking for motivation and accountability, she also has you covered with the various weight loss groups offered. You will learn how to make healthy habits as well as make new fitness friends along the way. Attend a virtual class or buy a class for someone else.

Last but not least, find ways to have fun. It's a known fact that laughter can help relieve stress. Join Choose Joy Now Network for our virtual events and we'll be sure to put a smile on your face and a laugh in your belly.

So again, we must all do our part to help us get through this challenging time. Take care of yourself first:

  • Watch and or listen to positive messages

  • Continue or start a yoga practice

  • Continue or start a meditation practice

  • Stay physically active

  • Eat healthy meals

  • Find ways to have fun

When you are strong and able, find ways to help our community.

Stay Home. Stay Well.


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