Why women need to take back their birthday.

What happens when your birthday is approaching? Do you plan a big party? Do you remind everyone of the big day or maybe just a few close friends? Do you try to forget about it and hope no one remembers or notices? My 13 year old daughter recently had a birthday and she was so excited. This got me to thinking about birthday disparities I’ve noticed between children and adults.
As kids many of us were excited about our birthdays. It felt like it would take 5 years to arrive. We were so excited and told everyone about the upcoming special day. We were eager about the thought of turning 13 and becoming an official teenager. For some it was the anticipation of turning 16 and the thought of getting a driver’s license and gaining more independence.
Fast forward to your late 20’s and something changes. Birthdays seem to be on the fast track and come rather quickly. You’re still excited for your upcoming birthday but now you begin doing life reviews. You think “am I on the career track I planned for myself?” or “am I happy with my personal life?”
With each birthday you allow everyday life to get in the way and celebrate yourself less and less. Some begin comparing their life to others and feel they should be doing more. Some downplay their own successes. Some see each birthday as a reminder of the unrealized dreams you had for your life. That 20 pounds is still hanging around. Your notebooks or journals are filled with book ideas that are still stashed away in that special drawer or hiding place.
Let’s take back our birthdays! Most importantly allow your birthday to be a rebirth and reminder to reignite the excitement for your life. Make it a re-birthday! Think about it. Now you have the best of everything. The wisdom and experience that can come with age combined with passion and energy of being 21. As long as you have breath in your body, there is still time to live the life you want. I once heard someone say the death of one dream is not the death of all dreams. I love it!
I think of the late dear Louise Hay of Hay House. She published her first book at the age of 50 and started her publishing company at 61. She is known as one of the pioneers of the self-help movement and has been responsible for publishing great authors such as Wayne Dyer and Christiane Northrup.
Are you ready?
15 Tips on how to take back your birthday:
1. Order a special cake
2. Make a plan to do something just for you
3. Do something fun that’s out of your comfort zone
4. Ask friends and family to meet you at your favorite restaurant
5. Host a pitch-in at your house
6. Ask friends to give to your favorite charity
7. Think about what you want and allow yourself to have it; don’t be bashful, know what to say if someone asks what gift they can give you
8. Do something that’s been on your bucket list
9. Do something that makes you laugh out loud. That can be a funny movie, comedy show or spending time with those friends who always make you laugh.
10. Journal about the vision you have for your life and make a plan to make it happen
If you want to spend the birthday solo:
1. Spend the night in a nice hotel
2. Go on a group trip (there are many travel agencies who schedule group/themed trips)
3. Journal about the things you like about yourself
4. Write a note of appreciation to those who have been meaningful in your life
5. Enjoy a spa day
Whether it’s your birthday or not, let me be the first to say “happy re-birthday” to you!
Contact me at ChooseJoyNowNetwork.com if you want one on one support in returning to the life you love.