Top 3 signs you may be stuck, and what you can do to change it

I like to know stuff. Matter of fact I feel like a Jane of all trades. This know it all attitude has created one hard lesson for me to learn. Getting unstuck. I would be stuck and not realize it. I would think, I’ll figure it out. While, I do believe in a ‘can do’ attitude, I no longer believe in unnecessary suffering. For example before I started my business, I didn’t realize, I needed help to get me started. I needed someone ahead of me to help me put the pieces in place. I needed accountability and support to help me stay on track.
Newton's first law of motion states: “A body in motion tends to remain in motion, a body at rest tends to remain at rest unless acted on by an outside force.” I realized I needed an outside force (a coach) to help me get moving.
I am now aware of 3 signs that I might need outside support to get unstuck:
I have had the same goal over a year, but have not made progress
I have little or no expertise in the area I am looking to make a change or achieve a goal
I procrastinate
Let me explain further what the 3 signs might look like.
You have had the same goal over a year, but have not made any progress
Many times we prioritize our friends and family’s goals. In college or at work you have deadlines to keep you accountable to completion, but when it comes to your personal desires, you allow those to be pushed to the side. You’ve said you want to write a book every year for the few years, but can’t seem to sit down and begin writing. This is an example where accountability (an outside force) can help keep you on track. Sometimes we are not sure where or how to get started and an outside force, can help you create an action plan. We often hear the old saying knowledge is power, but it’s not power until the knowledge is applied! An outside force will help you apply what you know and put your plan in action.
You have little or no expertise in the area you are looking to make a change or achieve a goal
When we have an idea, goal or project sometimes it’s in a new territory. Although exciting, this can also be scary. Hiring an outside force can help you stop chasing your tail. There are lots of free resources available these days and sometimes we don’t achieve our goal because we are not sure where or how to start. When you hire an outside force, you can achieve your goal faster because you are gaining access to their knowledge, experience and contacts. Hiring an outside force can help you save money, by decreasing the amount of mistakes you might make that are a normal part of the learning process.
You procrastinate
Back to the writing a book example. Have you noticed, every time you schedule time to sit down and write, you realized you forgot you needed to reorganize your underwear drawer or some other task that’s not really important? There are so many reasons we procrastinate. Sometimes it’s because we have a fear of failing. It’s human to have this feeling. Hiring an outside force can help you see when you are being unrealistic or too hard on yourself with perfectionist thinking. An outside force will help you play bigger in your life by giving you the support and encouragement to keep going even when you stumble or face a difficult situation.
Sometimes we procrastinate because we take on projects or goals we think is something we “should” be doing or we “should” want. An outside force can help you sort through and determine if it’s really your goal. Sometimes we procrastinate because we are having a hard time figuring “it” out. Your plan or idea may need to be broken down into smaller steps. We are trying to ‘eat the whole elephant’ instead of one bite at a time. An outside force can help you break down your idea into small parts so you are able to make progress a piece at a time.
Hopefully you will learn the lesson of how to get unstuck faster than I did and get an outside force for support!
Joy Nuggets
Top 3 Signs you may be stuck:
1. You have had the same goal over a year, but have not made progress
2. You have little or no expertise in the area you am looking to make a change or achieve a goal
3. You procrastinate
How to change it:
Enlist the support of an outside force (coach, mentor etc...) to achieve your goals faster. They can:
-Help you play bigger in your life
-Share their knowledge, experience, and contacts to help you learn and get results more quickly
-Create an action plan to achieve your goal
-Provide accountability and support for you to work on your action plan to completion of the plan
If you have a goal or project you want to complete or achieve, I’d be happy to support you! Contact me today for a free consultation.