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Are you ready for the next chapter?

Lisa Coleman | Choose Joy Now Network

Four more years until my baby son will be off to college and on his own! Graduation season is a time of mixed emotions. Excitement for the possibilities for the next chapter of life and sadness to leave behind things “the way they were”. I have definitely been experiencing this for the graduation of my oldest child from 8th grade. It may not seem like much of a big milestone to some, but it has been for me. Also currently there is so much change occurring in my life right now. Friend’s children graduating from high school and or college, friends retiring from their corporate career, we are all looking at the next chapter of life dead in the face.

After the sad moments of my “little boy” is gone forever, I am now embracing the fullness of possibilities for my growing young man’s future. I realized this is also a huge opportunity for us all to look at the possibilities for our lives instead of focusing on what will be no more.

Are you ready to graduate to the next chapter of your life? Ask yourself and journal about the following questions:

  • Am I clinging to something? Is this keeping me stuck?

  • Is the “old way” I’m used to still the “best way”?

  • Am I allowing the fear of uncertainty of the future hold me back?

  • Am I waiting for the right time to take action?

  • Am I expecting different results without different actions?

As we encourage our children to graduate from high school and to keep growing to the next level, we must apply that same encouragement to ourselves. You got this!

What do you want out of the next chapter of your life?

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams” ~Eleanor Roosevelt​

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